Day 7 : Chapter Summary
Do three verses a day on similar topics if you can
Besides doing chapter summary, we ID three verses with similar ideas and journal in your QT. Remember when it comes to QT, we practice multiple disciplines:
- 1 Tim 1:15 Paul, chief of sinners
- 1 Cor 15:9 Paul least of the apostles, unworthy apostle coz he persecuted the church. v10 he worked harder than all yet not him but the grace of God with him.
- Eph 3:8 Paul, less than the least of all the saints yet grace was given to me to preach the unsearchable riches in Christ.
Three truths
- Deep conviction of sin
- Sheer grace of God
- Total commitment to God I worked harder than all.
Martin Luther said the greatest sin is not keeping the greatest commandment to love God with all our hearts.
- S. Lewis in his book ‘Mere Christianity’ said the greatest sin is pride. That is how the devil became the devil. (Isa 14:14). God opposes the proud (James 4:6)
Three applications
- Worker (Eph 3:7)
- Warrior (Eph 3:14) specifically prayer warrior
- Worshipper (Eph 3:20-21)
1 Tim 1:12-17
1 Cor 15:8-11
Eph 3:7-21
He loveth much who has been forgiven much.
Christ’s love – Eph 3:19
Husband’s love – Col 3:19
God’s love in action. God is my strength, steadiness and security when all else fails – Hab 3:19 (Pls read context 3:17-18)