Day 2 : Chapter Summary

1 Tim 2 – a clothing.

  1. Clothed in prayer (2:1)
  2. Clothed appropriately (2:9)
  3. Clothed in good works (2:10)


However our focus is prayer. In 1 Tim 1, we are to be soaked and saturated with God’s Word. 1 Tim 2, soaked and saturated in prayer.

1. Prayer, a priority. First of all, pray (2:1). Pray for everyone you see, think of or speak to.

2. Prayer, a pleasure. Prayer pleases God and gives Him pleasure (2:3). In addition, we are to find pleasure in prayer as Rom 12:12 says be devoted to prayer. That is loving to pray and praying with love. In Thy presence is fullness of joy, in Thy right hand there are pleasures forever. (Ps 16:11)

3. Prayer, a purity. (2:8). Lifting up holy hands meaning having a pure heart. If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear (Ps 66:18), without wrath meaning praying with love and not anger or ill will in heart. And finally without doubting, knowing that in the eternal purpose and love of God, His no to our prayer is a greater yes, meaning He has something better for us. Therefore we should not doubt at all in prayer. Meaning more than asking is our approach and attitude in prayer.

J.I. Packer in his book ‘Knowing God’ says that we show our knowledge of God by how we pray and what goes on in our hearts when we pray.