Eternal Life – 15 ways to read the bible.
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Discover and develop simple skills, disciplines and attitudes when it comes to reading the Bible. The first six ways is what I call the R3D3 method of reading. It means read reverently, repeatedly, reflectively and so on. God only reveals Himself to those whose hearts are ready for Him. The Bible is the source of all wisdom, life and power on this side of eternity. It has unlimited return on investment. It is exciting and enriching to read it. It gives the ultimate meaning to life. Miss the reality and our relationship with Jesus and we miss life altogether. The talk is about 1 hour. For a quotation, please email info@raylife.com.sg
Life and Leadership.
Everyone is born to lead whether we realized it or not. At the most basic level, we must learn how to lead ourselves and reach our destiny. Discover 10 traits of a leader, life skills of a leader, 4 fundamental qualities of a leader and 3 basic tasks of a leader. The talk is about 1 hour. For a quotation, please email info@raylife.com.sg
Life, dating and marriage.
Develop unshakeable values in life. Learn how to date and what to say and do on a date. How to have a happy marriage. The talk is about 1 hour. For a quotation, please email info@raylife.com.sg
Life investment – yourself, your family and your future.
Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings. He will not stand before obscure man. Learn personal investment. That is how to invest your life. Learn inter-personal investment. That is how to invest in the life of others. Learn financial investment. That is how to secure your financial freedom. The talk is about 1 hour. For a quotation, please email info@raylife.com.sg