Intentional Discipleship & Discipleship Training

Discover and develop simple skills, disciplines and attitudes when it comes to reading the Bible. The first six ways is what I call the R3D3 method of reading. It means read reverently, repeatedly, reflectively and so on. God only reveals Himself to those whose hearts are ready for Him. The Bible is the source of all wisdom, life and power on this side of eternity. It has unlimited return on investment. It is exciting and enriching to read it. It gives the ultimate meaning to life. Miss the reality and our relationship with Jesus and we miss life altogether.

Write three verses word for word on the same topic from different parts of the Bible using If possible, do this daily. These bible verses will improve your understanding of a particular topic.

For example Job 1:1, Job 28:28 and Exodus 20:20 say the same thing. Fear God and turn away from evil. This booklet is good for discipleship training or intentional discipleship.